Perth Weeds – 2016… What an Explosion..!!
The early rains have finally come to Perth…. and how fantastic is it to see our dams heading in the right direction. One problem – Weeds!
The early rains have finally come to Perth…. and how fantastic is it to see our dams heading in the right direction. One problem – Weeds!
Now that winter is well and truly here, it is the perfect time to treat your lawn for weeds!
All of our paddocks had been over grazed and mainly consisted of a thriving pasture of Cape Weed!
We made sure the surrounding environment and delicate ecosystem was not damaged.
The Easter rains are finally arriving and bought some welcome relief to Perth.
Over the last few months we have been tackling the task of ridding our beautiful Swan River of the noxious weed Typha.
Envirapest starts its with grass spraying at the high profile reserve Pelican Point.