Perth Weeds – 2016… What an Explosion..!!
The early rains have finally come to Perth…. and how fantastic is it to see our dams heading in the right direction. One problem – Weeds!

We are on track for one of the worst weed growth years within this last decade. Capeweed, in particular is at record growth and ruining many pasture paddocks and turfed areas. But unfortunately, capeweed is on a very long list of weeds excelling this year in Perth including: Paterson’s curse, catsear – false dandelion, bindii, dock, cape tulip, oxalis and clover.
“ So…. Thanks for telling us something we didn’t already see out our window?” – Your right. I’m sorry. – What should we do then?
2) Get busy weeding.
3) Delegate.
4) Grab the remote and get back to what you do best. Watch weeds grow.
Weed control can seem daunting, particularly if you own a large suburban block, small acreage or a hobby farm. No-one likes weeding, especially if the footys on, or an equal/lesser winter sport.
Fun aside…
Here are our top tips for starting a successful weed management plan for Hobby Farms & Small Acreage in 2016
- Ensure you don’t over graze! Where possible graze paddocks on a rotation. Ideally paddocks should be rested when pasture is below 5cm’s. If your pasture isn’t already divided with fixed fencing, maybe consider investing in portable electric tape fencing which gives you the ability to strip graze. Grazing areas bare promotes weed growth. Strip grazing can also be an effective measure for controlling the amount of feed your horses receive, especially in spring to avoid issues like founder.
- Have your soil tested to determine if lime or other fertilisers may be required.
- Eradicate and eliminate all weeds – using selective herbicides, specific to your properties needs. Bear in mind – withholding periods for horses/stock generally apply, but these vary between products – 7-14 days is generally the case. Contact a professional for advice if you are unsure how these products work.
- Buy quality hay! Check your hay to see the quality and ensure you are not bringing in weed seeds.
- Spray your firebreaks rather than ploughing. Ploughing can actually assist in weed germination! As an extra bonus you should be able to drive on your firebreaks instead of four wheel driving them.
- Quarantine new animals/horses for a few days to prevent weeds seeds. Keep them yarded if possible, giving you the ability to collect manure and contain the spread of weeds.
Generally, once a pasture has an established weed infestation, selective herbicide is the most cost-efficient and effective way to start restoring your paddock or turfs health.
Envirapest are experienced in providing weed management plans and treatments for every type of small acreage property. We are here for a chat, a property walkover or free advice at any time… Except Sundays… & sometimes Saturdays. We have children.
Touch base and say hello.
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