Termite Treatment Cost – What you REALLY need to know!

Termite Treatment Cost – What you REALLY need to know!
The dangers of taking the ‘CHEAP’ way out.
Installing any sort of termite management at your home can be an expensive exercise. It’s always difficult to hand over money for something you can’t always see. But when you consider that protection can be the difference between thousands of dollars in damage – the initial cost can seem quite minimal.
The fact is – if you ask ANY person who has had to deal with termites in their home, whether or not they wished they had installed a termite protection barrier?– the answer will ALWAYS be yes. Treating after the fact will ALWAYS be costlier than prevention.
Everyday, homes across Perth are invaded by termites.
There is NO discrimination as to whether or not your home is built on timber stumps, limestone footings or a double brick and tile concrete slab home in the suburbs – termites or white ants, don’t work that way. IN FACT, we treat more concrete slab & double brick homes than any other. It doesn’t matter if your home was built in the last 10 years, or has a steel frame – termites will still be able to find something to chew on.
The cost of treating your home safely and properly is NOT CHEAP. If you are looking for the cheapest option – we are definitely the wrong company for you. Installing a termite management system properly takes time and quality products. There are no shortcuts, and the truth is that you get what you pay for like everything else. The amount of times we are called in to fix up other companies ‘cheaper short cuts’ would frighten you.
Clients, almost always, end up paying twice to get the problem sorted properly after hiring www.dodgeybrothers.com/cheapfix/beereconomy/.au

Factors That Affect Termite Treatment Cost
Your homes square meterage – bigger homes require more product, more inspection time and more labour to complete. Termiticides are not cheap and need to be applied around the homes perimeter. Therefore if you know your home is ‘above average’ – expect that your price will be as well.
Infestation Extent – If you are dealing with termites already inside your home – this will increase the price. Once termites are established in your home – treatment methods have to be adjusted – you may be looking at internal treatments, structural replacement, and decorative timber damage costs.
House construction – how your house is built will affect your treatment price. Homes with sub-floors require foundation trenching and access traps. Homes with extensions added are higher risk – especially where two slabs are laid next to each other. Depending on what you have around your slab edge will also affect your treatment method and price. Eg paving or liquid limestone etc
All reputable companies should be giving an on-site quote. This type of work is specific to the environmental conditions & house construction among other factors. Every home is different & needs to be treated that way. If the cost of your home is between $400K and 1M and a Termite treatment to protect it is generally less than 2k… doesn’t it make sense to at least consider one?
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