How Safe Is Rodent Bait? What You Need To Know

How Safe Is Rodent Bait? What You Need To Know
As Featured in The Toodyay Herald
How Safe Is Rodent Bait? 2017 has been an unusual year for pest and weed control. The unusual January & February rains are a distant memory but have certainly had an impact on weeds, pests and rodents this year.
Rats & Mice Are On The Move…
We have many clients in Perth and the surrounding areas, and have seen a trend start to emerge since April… mice and rat complaints. These have been particularly prevalent in the Toodyay/Hills areas. Phone calls and emails started to head our way with questions about pet friendly rodent baiting, more than ever before.
So What Do I Need To Know?
International telemarketers aside, the most common phone call we get is: “I’ve got mice & rats and a dog mate! – will the baits kill my dog?”. The answer isn’t simple, but I’ll try and break it down. All poisons are toxic to a degree, that’s what they are made to do, obviously. However, the amount your pet must eat to be fatal is dramatically different between baiting products – Over the counter products such as “Ratsak” are one of the more toxic for your pets & small children, if ingested.
Different Bait = Different Risk
Ratsak – Brodifacoum – suggests 104 grams be ingested to be fatal to a 20Kg animal.
Bromadiolne based baits – suggests 4kg be ingested to be fatal to a 20Kg animal.
Difenacoum based baits – suggests 20kg be ingested to be fatal to a 20Kg animal.

So What Do I Do Now?
So as you can see, sometimes paying a licensed professional who can access safer products has its benefits. Professional services are not for everyone, because like everything in life, you pay a little more for quality products and safety.
That being said, it may be much cheaper than you think – we offer cost effective, pet friendlier baiting options that will give you a much longer lasting result for your hard-earned dollar. Many of our products have limited to no secondary poisoning effects and can be placed in fully lockable pet and child proof stations.
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