Spring has arrived – Lawn Treatment Time!
Only 6 weeks left for lawn treatments!
With the change in season, now is your last change to have your lawn in fabulous shape in time summer. There is only 6 weeks left before it is too late for a lawn treatment.
By treating your lawn you will ensure that you have the lush, prickle free lawn you have been dreaming of, just in time for summer.
Envirapest have been looking after lawns for over 10 years and our experience means we can give you the type of lawn you have always dreamed of. We use water based products that are safe for your family and pets while achieving maximum results. The product targets all flat weeds and clovers including Bindii and Oxalis (clover).
We guarantee satisfaction for all types of lawns including Kikuyu, Couch and even Buffalo. June – early October is the perfect time to treat your lawn, before the weeds go to seed.
Click here to learn more about our residential weed & lawn treatments.
Our treatments start from as low as $132. Book a lawn treatment today and we will treat your paved areas, garden beds and driveway for general weeds – free of charge!